camera design: Dome
category code: FNC
cncode: 85258900
dimensions: D149 x 103 mm
electronic shutter speed: 1/66500 s to 2 s
environment: Indoor
focal length: 3.4–8.9 mm
ir illumination: Yes
min. illumination: 0.02 Lux
model: P3265-V
network camera type: Fixed Dome/HDTV/Megapixel
operating temperature range: 0 °C to 50 °C
power consumption: 5.1 Watts
power options: PoE
power supply requirements: Power over Ethernet (PoE) IEEE 802.3af/802.3at Type 1 Class 2 Typical 3 W, max 5.1 W
rj45: 1
sensor size: 1/2.8”
shipping box depth: 17.5 cm
shipping box height: 14 cm
shipping box quantity: 1
shipping box weight: 0.9 kg
shipping box width: 16 cm
unit box height: 0.14
unit box length: 0.175
unit box width: 0.16
unit brutto volume: 0.00392 cubm
unit gross weight: 0.9 kg
unit net weight: 0.65 kg